The Visual Storytellers

Communicating Change: How to Ensure Your Message is Heard and Acted Upon

change communication

Change Communication Mastery: Getting Your Message Heard and Acted Upon

In today’s fast-paced business world, change is constant. Companies evolve, adapt, and transform to keep up with the dynamic landscape of their respective industries. But here’s the challenge – change is rarely easy. It can be met with resistance, scepticism, and fear. To navigate this complex terrain, organisations need effective change communication strategies. In this article, we will explore the vital role of change communication and provide insights into how to ensure your message is not only heard but also acted upon.

The Power of Change Communication

Change communication, simply put, is the process of conveying information related to organisational changes, whether they involve restructuring, new strategies, technology implementations, or any other alterations. It is a crucial component of successful change management because it bridges the gap between the leadership’s vision and the employees’ understanding and acceptance of that vision.

Change communication serves several essential purposes:


It provides clear, concise, and consistent information about the upcoming changes, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Seek clarity. Generate energy. Raise necessity. Increase productivity. Develop Influence. Demonstrate Courage. These are the six habits that you need to adopt if you are to reach high performance in any situation.” – Brendon Burchard, Author of High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way


Effective change communication actively engages employees, making them feel involved and valued in the transformation process.

Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing.” — Rollo Reece May, American Existential Psychologist


It inspires and motivates employees to embrace the change, fostering a sense of purpose and optimism. As a result, according to an article by Emplus, motivated employees enjoy their jobs most of the time, are excited to complete most of their tasks to the utmost of their abilities, and are looking to learn and grow in their roles.

Addressing Concerns

Change communication addresses questions, concerns, and anxieties, mitigating resistance and scepticism.

Measuring the Impact of Change Communication

Change communication is not a one-way street; it should be a two-way exchange. To measure its effectiveness, consider the following metrics:

Employee Surveys

Conduct regular surveys to gauge employees’ understanding of the changes, their level of commitment, and their satisfaction with the communication process. In fact, according to an article by Flair, employee surveys enable companies to better understand their workforce and make informed decisions to enhance employee engagement, productivity, and retention. Workplace surveys also provide employees with the chance to express their opinions and concerns.

Feedback Mechanisms

Establish mechanisms for employees to provide continuous feedback, enabling you to make real-time adjustments.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Monitor KPIs that relate to the changes, such as productivity, employee morale, or customer satisfaction.


Pay attention to the workplace atmosphere, employee interactions, and any visible resistance or enthusiasm.

Anecdotal Evidence

Listen to stories and anecdotes from employees to gain insight into their experiences during the change.


The Visual Storytellers Group: Your Partner in Change Communication

In the realm of change communication, a valuable ally is a team that understands the power of effective visual communication. The Visual Storytellers Group specialises in transforming complex ideas into clear, engaging visuals. As a group of passionate and experienced visual thinkers, they are the bridge between your organisation’s vision and your employees’ understanding.

Visual communications/ visual stories are the translator of the dry boring yet really important change information into fun, engaging, easy to understand, and exciting to share visual communications. Communications that people want to look at, read, and take in. Meaning your change isn’t just understood but it is acted upon.

The Visual Storytellers Group can help in all aspects of change communication. Whether it’s live drawing at your team and organisation workshops or meeting. Digital scribing, on virtual discussions or live art activation to build excitement around the change. The Visual Storytellers Group excels in making complex concepts simpler and more relatable. Their commitment to creating relationships with clients and their deep understanding of the topics they work on ensures that your change communication is not only heard but acted upon. They have helped many organisation across multiple industries to succeed through major transformations and change programs. From communicating the new strategy, to onboarding people to the new technology platform, to supporting organisations through royal commissions. The Visual Storytellers Group have done it all!

The Visual Storytellers Group doesn’t just create beautiful visuals; they are strategic thinkers (coming from a 15 year career in Management Consulting) who simplify the complex. They have a proven track record in graphic recording, making them one of the leading agencies in Australia. They go above and beyond to deliver results without any hassle and are easy to work with.

Are you ready to transform your change communication into a powerful tool for successful transformation? Book a discovery call with The Visual Storytellers Group and experience effective communication with these transformative strategies.


Change communication is the process of effectively conveying information related to organisational changes, whether they involve restructuring, new strategies, technology implementations, or any other alterations. It aims to ensure that employees understand, accept, and actively engage with these changes.

Change communication is vital because it promotes clarity, engages employees, motivates them to embrace change, and addresses concerns and resistance. It bridges the gap between leadership’s vision and employees’ understanding, facilitating successful transformations.

A successful change communication strategy should include clear objectives, open and transparent communication, early employee engagement, diverse communication channels, compelling storytelling, ongoing updates, addressing resistance, and providing training and support.

Measuring the impact of change communication involves employee surveys to gauge understanding and satisfaction, feedback mechanisms, monitoring relevant KPIs, observation of workplace dynamics, and paying attention to anecdotal evidence from employees.

Common challenges in change communication include employee resistance, a lack of clarity in the message, inadequate engagement, poor timing, and insufficient training and support for employees.

Storytelling is essential in change communication as it helps create a narrative that explains the ‘why’ behind the change. It makes the message more relatable and memorable, helping employees understand and embrace the transformation.

The Visual Storytellers Group specialises in transforming complex ideas into clear, engaging visuals. They simplify complex concepts, making them easier to understand. Their expertise in visual communication aids in effective change communication and ensures that the message is not only heard but acted upon.

You can get in touch with The Visual Storytellers Group by booking a discovery call with our team of experts.

Ready to transform your change communication strategy? Book a discovery call with our experts at The Visual Storytellers Group. Let us help you navigate change with impact!”

Book a Free Discovery Call!

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